(Rachel) Our friends Jennifer and Elliot had a beautiful wedding in Austin. If you couldn't tell by the Bevo groom's cake, they are fellow Longhorns. We also got to see two of my other UT colleagues - Maya and Lauren.
One of my lesser lifelong goals is to have my words plagiarized by someone too lazy to write his or her own paper. Therefore this post serves three purposes: 1) my family keeps bugging me to update this blog, 2) it would be cool if someone copied this, 3) it's a good example of a 1-page MBA executive summary. Writing these is pretty much all I do these days.
I am clueless about how to post anything except a photo, so it is attached as a jpeg: swissair.
Update: The professor totally didn't understand my paper, so it's possible this paper really stinks!
This is contrary to another of our favorite quotes, from Mayor Bill White: “Folks better be off the roads when the storm hits. Those highways are a death trap." For good measure, here is another great quote, from Governor Rick Perry: “I told everyone to get a full tank of gas two days ago. It’s not my fault that these folks are running out of gas.”
After 14 hours on the road, Rachel and I reached we began to worry about our gas. We had half a tank (still amazing for 15 hours on idle). Traffic ran smoothly up the 75 and east on the 19 until we reached Crockett and
Entering the city of
exhausted, and safe.
(Rachel) On Saturday I volunteered with the Hurricane Katrina relief efforts at the Astrodome with 10 other people from Deloitte. I was a little apprehensive about doing this because assisting with natural disasters is a new experience for me. However, I knew that thousands of volunteers were needed to run the small community of evacuees, and they needed my help too. Human resources were needed; specifically, people patrolling the buildings, serving foods, data entry, and councilors.
I pulled into the huge parking lot and was escorted by signs and police officers (who confirmed that I was a volunteer and not a spectator). Dozens of volunteers were arriving with me and we were all heading to a big grey building run by the Red Cross. Everything was very organized. They checked my ID, I signed in, and I followed a crowd to a 20 minute orientation. At orientation two rules stuck out in my mind: “do not pick up any children” and “do not take any pictures” (it is their home and you wouldn’t want strangers coming into your home and taking pictures of you). After orientation I joined about 150 people in a line to wait for an assignment. Finally, they sent us all to what they called “distribution.”
We were lead through “
Finally we came to our assignment. It was an area sectioned off as a makeshift cafeteria. They stationed me at the milk and juice cooler and I was responsible for keeping it well stocked and handing drinks to anyone who asked. I was happy to see that the milk and juice were popular with the cute little kids. They would come up and ask for 3 or 4 at a time and then barely be able to carry them back to their table. I was impressed by the system that Red Cross and Aramark had created. They served two hot meals a day (in 3 hour increments) and they had a variety of snacks and drinks served 24/7. I figured that the dinner would be something simple and bland like meat and potatoes, but to my surprise, they were serving sweet and sour chicken, rice, and steamed vegetables. I stayed until 6:30pm and was replaced by two nice high school girls.
My overall impression was that there are a lot of truly caring people in the
(TX State Capitol and Mt. St Helens)
Oh my goodness! The coolest program ever is available to download for free. Check this out: earth.google.com. You can pinpoint locations almost anywhere in the USA, and indeed in many places around the world (I just checked out Pyongyang). Just now I'm taking a 360° tour of Mt. St. Helens from a 45° angle. I didn’t know this stuff was legal (or free).
Rachel will graduate from UT on August 15. Rob will begin school at Rice on August 8. Enjoy your summer vacations friends! We spend our weekends studying... though we did just discover a $1 DVD rental machine in the grocery store. That keeps us pretty occupied. After two years in the Peace Corps, there were many movies we had on our "movies to watch" list.
Quick weather note: After an unseasonably mild spring, summer has finally arrived. It's around 100 degrees these days. I am SO allergic to Texas! It's pretty funny, and all you can do is suck it up (literally) and keep downing the Benadryl.
St. Edwards University, recently bulldozed a forest to put up a parking lot (like the song). One of the ironies of the project was that since city officials require adequate drainage and runoff for new structures, the university bulldozed another section of the forest to build a retaining pool (adjacent to the already-present creek). School officials might reprove: “but we added some really nice landscape around the parking lot and retaining pool!”
As a socially and environmentally conscious individual, I am alarmed by the pace of development in
The desire to obtain “the good life in the suburbs, far removed from the problems of the city,” has become a problem in itself. Development for the sake of development creates myriad social ills, including traffic congestion and pollution, out of control commercial and residential strips (ever see a new Home Depot built in the same parking lot as an old shuttered Home Depot?), and decreased socialization among neighbors due to larger and more separate homes.
Try this fun exercise, visit maps.google.com, click on “Satellite,” close your eyes and click on a random area of
We're incorrigible Oregon coffee snobs. You might never know it since we're both so darn agreeable, but it's true. During our one-year sabbatical in Austin, we have made a couple of observations. Austin is a town blessed with an abundance of cute coffee shops. Unfortunately most are bad. Here is a list we've compiled. If a coffee shop isn't listed, it is because we haven't yet visited … if we haven't yet visited, it is because we're tired of wasting our money on bad coffee. As soon as Frommers gives us money, we'll visit the rest.
Peets Coffee & Tea, Guadalupe St
Whole Foods Market, Lamar St
Central Market, both locations
Andersons Coffee, Jefferson St (just for the beans)
Almost Good:
Spider House Café, Fruth St
Copacabana Coffeehouse, S. Congress St
Halcyon Coffeehouse, W 4th St.
Mozarts Coffee Roasters & Bakery, Lake Austin Blvd.
Bouldin Creek Coffee House & Café, S. 1st St.
Green Muse Café, W. Oltorf St.
Little City Espresso, Congress
Metro Espresso Bar, Guadalupe St
Jo’s Coffee, S. Congress
Ruta Maya Coffee Co., S. Congress
PS - the best coffeehouse in the world is Coffee Cottage in Newberg, Oregon.
Rachel and Rob come from enormous families: Rachel has 6 siblings (7 children total - all bio. You go mom!). Rob has 9 siblings (10 children total - 4 bio, 5 adopted, 1 honorary)
Rachel was home schooled until she went to
Rachel and Rob met at
After graduating from George Fox, their next step was to build a successful and meaningful future for themselves. They wanted to continue down the path of international business / politics / relations / whatever… They came across a wonderful organization called the US Peace Corps which allowed them to travel to a foreign country to live, grow, and work for two years. Rob and Rachel were Peace Corps Volunteers stationed in the lovely Saxon
After serving their full two-year commitment in the Peace Corps, Rob and Rachel traveled back to the
Robert currently works with a wonderful international adoption agency called International Family Services (www.ifservices.org). He is the China Program Director, responsible for anything and everything China-related. After Rachel graduates from School, Rob will attend the MBA program at
Rachel and Rob - it seems - have a very interesting life. And to think they are only 26 and 27 years old!