Living room. The ceiling use to have the "popcorn ceiling" texture, but Rob put on the space suit and gas mask and scraped it all off in one long evening (yey, me!). Evidently the fireplace use to have an insert (a big metal wood stove-type device), but one of the previous occupants took it out and left it a big void.
Hannah and Christina doing what they do best :-)
Dining room with new chandelier. We have great evening sunshine in this room.
Jude's "pink" room - we have a fun crib set now, more pictures later. Rachel bought a great orange-ish, brownish set. And we also have the Harrod's teddy bear from Rachel's trip to London.
Kitchen: I know it may not "seem" much to look at, but we did a huge amount of work (mostly Rachel, Linda and Jeanne ... and Josh and Chris). Jeanne re-textured the gross space left behind when Josh took the cabinet off from above the fridge. Soon we hope to have a new fridge and stove sometime in the next year or so.
Kitchen again
Our new "kitchen nook" area. We mostly eat here. This kitchen is about 2x the size of our last cute rental house kitchen.
I love your house. Can't wait to come back.
Pretty radi-cool! Bummer we missed all the hard work ;)
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